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Haj performed in childhood at the age of 8 years validate the Farz

Haj and Umrah,Rules for Haj,Haj performed in childhood at the age of 8 years validate the Farz

Fatwa: 6188
Haj performed in childhood at the age of 8 years validate the Farz


Does the Haj performed in childhood at the age of 8 years validate the Farz or the Farz of Haj still remains due?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

Attaining adulthood is a condition to perform Haj and the Haj performed at the age of 8 Years was a Minor’s Haj. Therefore now if Haj has become obligatory upon the applicant for having the ability and means it is necessary for him to travel to perform Haj afresh.

And Allah knows best
شیر زادہ وزیر
May Allah Forgive him,
Darul-Ifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 6188 Verification