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Confirming the Bride's Virginity on the Night of Marriage

Laws of Marriage,Marriage Rituals,Confirming the Bride's Virginity on the Night of Marriage

Fatwa: 23751
Confirming the Bride's Virginity on the Night of Marriage


On the first night after marriage, the family of the groom gives the bride a cloth to clean her blood (after consummating the marriage). This confirms whether or not she is a virgin. What is the legal status of this in the Shari’ah?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

There is no basis to this custom (of establishing a woman’s virginity after marriage) in the Shari’ah. Moreover, the prevalence of this custom in society is based on ignorance, since virginity can also be lost by indulging in rough play at a young age, or even old age.
And Allah knows best.

And Allah knows best
عبد الرشید محمد
May Allah Forgive him,
Darul-Ifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 23751 Verification