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i read at your site that we need to pay zakat on 40th part of our wealth

Charity and Zakat,Who Receive Zakat and Charity,i read at your site that we need to pay zakat on 40th part of our wealth

Fatwa: 7182
i read at your site that we need to pay zakat on 40th part of our wealth


aslam o alekum! may ALLAH always smile upon you all! amin i read at your site that we need to pay zakat on 40th part of our wealth.in this regard i want state that we have been paying zakat at the rate of 2.50%. is this correct? wa salam

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

Yes. You have understood correctly. The 40th part which is given in Zakat is 2 ½ % as per calculation according to percentage.

Allah Knows Better
Darulifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 7182 Verification