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Who is the Sheikh should I contact in order to rectify myself

Supplication,Potion and Spell,Who is the Sheikh should I contact in order to rectify myself

Fatwa: 6445
Who is the Sheikh should I contact in order to rectify myself


Assalamu Alaikm
Who is the Sheikh should I contact in order to rectify myself and increase the love of Allah Tha'ala?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

Wa Alaikumus Salam wa Rahmathullahi wa Barakathuhu!
It is our Dua that may Allah give Barakath in your appreciable thought of self reforming and give Thoufeeq to make you self reformed practically too with Ikhlas.
Given below are some names of the respected Ulamas. You may institute a connection with one of them for self rectification which would Insha Allh be beneficent for you.
1. Hadhrath Moulana Mufthi Muhammad Thaqi Usmani Sahib, Damath Barakathuhum
2. Hadhrath Moulana Hakeem Akhthar Sahib, Damath Barakathuhum
3. Hadhrath Moulana Mufthi Abdur Rauf Sakhrawi Sahib, Damath Barakathuhum
4. Hadhrath Moulana Zulfiqar Nakshbandi Sahib, Damath Barakathuhum
5. Janab Wasif Mansoor Sahib, Damath Barakathuhum
6. Hadhrath Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Sahib, (Soldier Bazaar), Damath Barakathuhum

Allah Knows Better
Darulifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 6445 Verification
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