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Will a breastfeeding mother observe the fast?

Fasting and Ramadan,Invalidators of Fasting,Will a breastfeeding mother observe the fast?

Fatwa: 5233
Will a breastfeeding mother observe the fast?


Assalamu Alaikum Janab please reply me for these two questions I searched in Darul Iftha but could not find. 1. Would a feeding mother observe fasting? Would Fasting become void by breast feeding? 2. By holding Qur'an Shareef in hand or seeing from somewhere is it possible to conduct Namaz? ( People do so in Masjid e Nabavi. Is it correct what they do?)

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

1 Fasting does not become void by breast-feeding, therefore a nursing woman can observe Fasting. However if there is fear of shortage of milk or if the baby does not take milk of ????????????? then she can leave Fasting and make Qadha later.
2. According to Hanafi Maslak Namaz gets annulled by doing so therefore followers of The Hanafi Maslak should refrain from doing it whereas those of Haram are followers of Hanbali Maslak and they can do so according to their Maslak.

And Allah knows best
نیاز احمد گلاب شاہ
May Allah Forgive him,
Darul-Ifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 5233 Verification
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