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I have a super store. Is Zakat due upon it

Charity and Zakat,Zakat and Syllabus of Zakat,I have a super store. Is Zakat due upon it

Fatwa: 35117
I have a super store. Is Zakat due upon it


I have a super store. Is Zakat due upon it? There is a lot of merchandise in it and it is difficult to evaluate all of it. What should be done about this? Will it be okay to estimate its value? Please give a detailed answer.

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

If the merchandise in the super store is equal to or more than the Nisab, then Zakat will be due upon it after a year has passed upon it. The method of calculating ones Zakat is that on the day Zakat must be given, it will be due based on the retail price of the merchandise. If it is difficult to know the value of every single item, then Zakat can be given based on the total market value of all of the merchandise if it were to be sold.

And Allah knows best
مفتی محمد دین
May Allah Forgive him,
Darul-Ifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 35117 Verification