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The perfume and body spray that contains alcohol are prohibited in salah?

Etiquettes of Life,Fashion and Beauty,The perfume and body spray that contains alcohol are prohibited in salah?

Fatwa: 7271
The perfume and body spray that contains alcohol are prohibited in salah?


The perfume and body spray that contains alcohol are prohibited in salah?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

Let it be known that the alcohol mixed nowadays in perfumes are normally not of dates or grapes rather they are extracted from things such as wheat, barley, jasmine and other flowers and vegetables as well, and, opinions with regard to using of same differ. Therefore these types of perfumes are not Impermissible or Haram outright, rather there is an allowance of using it and the Salath performed in this condition too remain valid, although it is better to abstain from it. However, if it is found through research that such alcohol are made of dates or grapes and the essence and nature too is not transformed, then undoubtedly it is impure and internal or external use of same is not permissible according to the Shari'a

Allah Knows Better
Darulifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 7271 Verification