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Purchasing employment is classified as bribery

Financial Transactions,Bribery,Purchasing employment is classified as bribery

Fatwa: 39592
Purchasing employment is classified as bribery


If an institute doesn’t give any consideration to merit (when it comes to hiring workers), then can employment there be purchased?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

Purchasing employment is classified as bribery. Giving or accepting a bribe are both Haram. Very strict warnings regarding has been narrated about in Ahadith, so much so that in one hadith, it is narrated, “The one who gives a bribe and the one who accepts it, both will be in the fire of Hell”, hence this should be avoided. However, if one cannot get employment except through bribery despite of being eligible for the job, then in that case, if he does give a bribe for employment he may not be sinful for it, but the one who accepts the bribe will surely be sinful.
And Allah knows best.

Allah Knows Better
Darulifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 39592 Verification