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What is the meaning of Khulafa e Rashideen

Biography,Biography of the Companions ,What is the meaning of Khulafa e Rashideen

Fatwa: 12324
What is the meaning of Khulafa e Rashideen


As Salamu Alaikum
Mufthi Sahib I need answers for some of my questions
1. What is the meaning of Khulafa e Rashideen and who and who are among them?
2. What is the ruling on Masjids of those Shias who adopt proper Aqida and what is the ruling on performing Salath following the imam of such a Masjid?
3. Are we independent in our actions or merely compelled?
4. If Qur’an is Qadeem then Allah too is Qadeem. Is’nt this Shirk (attributing partners to Allah), whereas we have been used to hear that Allah is Qadeem?
5. Is it allowed for a person to give bribes to get his permissible work done if it is not possible without it?
6. Through Ahadees pertaining to collection of Al Qur’an, question arises as to the 100% authenticity of Qur’an Shareef. What is your opinion about those Ahadees such as the narration of Ummul Muminin Hadhrath Aisha Radhiyallahu Anha, recorded under caption, “Feeding the majors” in Sunan Ibnu Maja Shareef?
Kindly enlighten us on the above matters.

wsallamAs Salamu Alaikum
Mufthi Sahib I need answers for some of my questions
1. What is the meaning of Khulafa e Rashideen and who and who are among them?
2. What is the ruling on Masjids of those Shias who adopt proper Aqida and what is the ruling on performing Salath following the imam of such a Masjid?
3. Are we independent in our actions or merely compelled?
4. If Qur’an is Qadeem then Allah too is Qadeem. Is’nt this Shirk (attributing partners to Allah), whereas we have been used to hear that Allah is Qadeem?
5. Is it allowed for a person to give bribes to get his permissible work done if it is not possible without it?
6. Through Ahadees pertaining to collection of Al Qur’an, question arises as to the 100% authenticity of Qur’an Shareef. What is your opinion about those Ahadees such as the narration of Ummul Muminin Hadhrath Aisha Radhiyallahu Anha, recorded under caption, “Feeding the majors” in Sunan Ibnu Maja Shareef?
Kindly enlighten us on the above matters.

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

1. Khulafa e Rashideen are those personalities whose governing system was completely on par with that of the Prophethood, duration of which was foretold by the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam to be thirty years which encompasses the period of first four Khaleefas. However normal Khilafat is not confined only to them, rather it also includes Hadhrath Hasan and Hadhrath Mu’awiya Radhiyallahu Anhuma as explicated in the narration of “Twelve (12) Khaleefa”
Narration of Hadhrath Sammak bin Harb ( Sahih al Muslim v2 p119)
Narration of Hadhrath Safina (Abu Daud v2 p290)
Bazl al Majhood v6 p200
Hashiyath al Mishkaath v2 p463
2 Due to certain dogmas and practices, even those Shias who possess correct doctrine do become transgressors. It is not allowed to follow them in Salath also due to the fact that they do Mash on their feet instead of washing.
(Ghunyathul Muthamalli p515, Shamia v1 p564)
3 We are independent in our actions and are not compelled totally. It is necessary to refrain from the doctrine of total compulsion (Sharah al Aqaid p82)
4. Allah Tha’ala is eternal and everlasting with His Zaat (Being) and with His Sifaath (Attributes of His Being) and since Qur’an is Kalam (Speech) of Allah, it is an attribute (of His). Hence considering it to be Shirk is a pure illusion. (Sharah al Aqaid p54)
5. Giving bribe for even permissible acts is prohibited and impermissible and it is necessary to refrain from it. However instead of enquiring about as a whole if the particular event that took place is detailed and asked the Shar’i ruling thereof, it could have been addressed accordingly.
(Shamia v5 p362)
6 In the light of the details found in Ahaadees e Mubaraka with regard to the collection of Qur’an Shariff, there remains no iota of doubt about the authenticity of the Qur’an Shariff and this is simply an illusion of the questioner. As regards the abrogated ayaaths of qur’an, transcription of same had been clarified during the period of Sahib e Qur’an himself. (Mirqaat v4 p726)

Allah knows best.

And Allah knows best
راشد بشیر عباسی
May Allah Forgive him,
Darul-Ifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 12324 Verification