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Which thing will get punishment after death, its human body or its spirit?

,,Which thing will get punishment after death, its human body or its spirit?

Fatwa: 4102
Which thing will get punishment after death, its human body or its spirit?


Sir, Please tell me which thing will get punishment after death, its human body or its spirit? human body shall decay within 7-15 days normally (except shuhda), human spirit goes back somewhere (i don't know). if its spirit punishment after death till judgement day then why human body should be re-born and send to heaven or hell on judgement day and get punishment/blessings afterwards. i may not be able to tell so clearly my question, I even dont know whether such type of questions should be asked or not, however I have many questions like this in mind. Also please tell how human body after death can answer to angels if its destroyed in accident or is in water or in space. Please point out relevant quranic verses or hadith. Please don't mind these questions, I am Muslim and trying to offer my prayers regularly and want my heart clean from any questions that come to mind. I have no doubt on Allah's being able to do anything anytime anywhere. I have no doubt that Allah will re-born humans on judgement day. However, everything that Allah does while creating sky and planet and everything afterwards, has some logical and/or physical reasons (except miracles) some of which are very clear after advancement of science and some may get clear at some future time. Hope you shall understand my question,

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

It is explicitly explained in Ayaath of Qur’an and Ahadees e Mubaraka that the punishment of the grave will be for the soul of the deceased including the physical body even though the body is, decomposed and mixed up with the sand of the grave; or drowned in water; or burnt and turned into ashes; or transformed into any other form. And this depends only on the information given by the Shaar’i Alaihis Salam and no interference of wisdom in this. Therefore it is not necessary to too much ponder over it but, to believe without any doubt, the matter and the manner what is established in Qur’an and Hadees about it and to arrange to make preparation for it. As for giving punishment to the deceased in the grave before the day of Qiyama, this could be understood by the common example that; When a culprit is caught he is kept under arrest as a punishment until the real sentence is announced and after the real verdict, the deserved punishment is meted out. Doubtlessly in the like manner a sinner is kept under arrest as a punishment in Qabr till the Day of Qiyama and, then, in the Day of Qiyama as per the procedure the deserved punishment will be given after his sentence is announced. But let it be known that the meaning of Qabr is Barzakh, which is a separate world, and, witnessing the reward and punishment of which, cannot be possible with these mundane material eyes. Punishment of Barzakh is not depending on placing the corpse inside the visible trench, but, after the death wherever the person may be, the set up of reward and punishment is in effect.

Allah Knows Better
Darulifta Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Fatwa No 4102 Verification
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